Prayer Requests from Egypt
May 6, 2020

Christians in Egypt stand in particular need of our prayers, having endured physical attacks from Islamic extremists within the past five months. Your prayers call upon a God who is mightier than any ‘powers or principalities’ in Egypt.
- Nashaat Sulaiman Khalil (59 years old) was attacked by an Islamic extremist and was hospitalized with severe injuries. Please pray for his continual and complete recovery.
- College student Marco Amir Ayad (18 years old) was beaten and injured by Islamic extremists. His hand and neck were critically wounded, so please pray for his healing and a successful completion of his studies.
- Nashaat Ezzat Mahfouz (42 years old) was killed and his brother Girgis was severely injured when they stood up to an Islamic extremist who insulted Girgis’ wife because she was a Christian. Please pray that God will comfort and protect Nashaat’s family (his wife, three daughters, and one son) as they continue to live within the same district as this Islamic extremist. Also, please pray for Girgis’ full recovery from his injuries.
- Baher Samir and his family were forced to leave their home and village due to Islamic extremists’ threats to kill Baher and his family. Please pray that Baher and his family will find a safe place to resettle.
- Katrin Ramzy (50 years old) was attacked by an Islamic extremist while walking down a neighborhood street. She was hospitalized in a critical condition, and the man was arrested but later released after being declared mentally ill. Please pray for Katrin’s healing and safety, as well as for justice. This Islamic extremist is known to have attacked other Christian women.
- Rafik Karam (56 years old) sustained a severe injury to his neck after an Islamic extremist broke into his shop and attempted to kill him. Please pray for his continued recovery and his ability to return to his work.
- George Fathy Hanna’s (38 years old) house was attacked and looted by Islamic extremists, and he was cruelly beaten. Please pray for George and his family’s safety (his wife and two sons) and that God will help them recover from their material losses. Also, George’s brother suffered a similar atrocity, so please keep him in your prayers too.
- An Islamic extremist intercepted and attacked Fr. Younathan Yaccoub while his was driving to his church. Please pray for Fr. Younathan’s safety as he ministers to the Christians in his area as well as for the conversion of this Islamic extremist (Kamal Al-Sayed Kamal Abdel-Aziz) who has attacked other Christians in the Al-Amreya neighborhood.
- Please pray that Michael Nabil Helmy (20 years old) may find a safe place to live and work. He has been attacked twice by Islamic extremists, and they follow him whenever he moves to a different location.