Reaching Persecuted Christians During the Coronavirus Crisis


With all the bad news from the coronavirus pandemic, are you ready for some good news?

God is faithful and He is working through His people to help suffering Christians.

For persecuted Christians who were already barely surviving, this crisis is hitting extra hard. Unable to work due to shut-downs, they are sometimes denied aid due to discrimination.

But Christian Freedom International co-workers are finding ways to get aid to our persecuted brothers and sisters.

Here is the story of one:

“Hanna” and her two young children have not seen her husband, their father, for five years. He is locked up in a detention center in Thailand.

They are among thousands of Christians who fled Pakistan and sought asylum in Bangkok. (You can learn more here.) At first the UN rejected many of their requests for asylum, reportedly because UN staff did not believe Christians are persecuted in Pakistan – one of the worst countries for persecution.

These asylum-seeking Christians live under the radar, holding onto the hope of getting resettled to another country and fear of being sent back to Pakistan.  If caught by police, they are held in over-crowded Immigration Detention Centers.

Despite her troubles, “Hanna” is blessed. Her family has a sponsor through Christian Freedom International whose monthly donation helps toward food, supplies, and rent.

Her children cannot attend schools in Thailand. But they are getting a full education at Christian Freedom International’s school for Pakistani Christian refugees.

When Thailand shut down, Christian Freedom International co-workers (a father and son team) quickly organized and delivered supplies to persecuted Pakistani Christians just hours before the lock-down. Then they adjusted the school for students to continue classes in their homes. Through cell phones and safe visits, teachers keep the students on-track and busy with lessons.

“Hanna” is eternally grateful for her sponsor in America, and Christian Freedom International’s co-workers on-the-ground.

“I am thankful to them as the Lord has been using them in our lives,” she said. “Due to coronavirus the situation is very tough because we are terrified and cannot go out of our houses. There are no means of earning. But you are remembering us.”

Why are Christians still giving and serving during this global crisis? As one disciple said:

“We love because He first loved us.” I John 4:19

God bless you,

Wendy Wright

P.S. Our co-workers are trekking through jungles, into remote rural areas, and inside ghettos to get coronavirus care packages – with food, soaps, antiseptics, medicines, and masks – to persecuted Christians.

But many Christians who face persecution are now facing imminent starvation, homelessness and spiritual isolation from strict lock-downs. Would you pray for God to do miracles for them?

If you are interested in sponsoring a persecuted Christian child, pastor, or family, you can click here.