Aid for Christians in Global Crisis


When I am afraid, I put my trust in you.

Psalm 56:3

Dear Friend of the Persecuted Church,

As I write this, to be honest, I’m a bit . . . scared.

By the time you read this, the world may be different from when I’m writing. We may be past the worst of the corona virus pandemic. I fervently pray that God brings you through this cross – and all fear, loss, and grief – to the joy of resurrection.

As I write, governments worldwide are ordering shut-downs to slow the spread of COVID-19. This can fall especially hard on Christians who experience persecution.

I’m anxious for you – may God protect you – and scared for them. (Would you pray for them?)

Texts and messages coming in from on-the-ground are disturbing. But also inspiring.

Our co-workers are finding clever ways to safely get food, supplies and medical aid to desperate Christians. Persecuted Christians made it to our clean shelters before the shut-downs. God is giving favor to overcome roadblocks and get aid to the needy.

As I write, I remember Christians who I recently met overseas like “Jadrah”*. “Jadrah” was a Muslim imam for 45 years. He had no financial problems – and no peace in his heart. Searching to be closer to God, one day he saw a light from above and followed it. When it stopped, he asked, “Who are you?”

Then he heard, “I am Jesus Christ. You are looking for Me.”

“Jadrah” found a Bible, studied it, and became a Christian. His nephew, an Islamic extremist, discovered this – and severely beat him until “Jadrah” could not move.

Christian Freedom International found him and gave him medical aid. “Jadrah” survived, returned to the mosque – and led prayers to Jesus!

He has been kidnapped and beaten to be “deprogrammed”. Even now people want to kill him. But he continues to tell others about Jesus

Sometimes he has no food, he told me, but he always has peace.

At this time of uncertainty – something our persecuted brothers and sisters experience intensely – our faith can be strengthened by “Jadrah’s” example.

He and other persecuted Christians show us how faith overcomes fear and loss in this world.

Christians in hostile countries already face poverty, discrimination, and cruelty. This global crisis is like cracking a whip. The sharpest sting exponentially ripples down to the lowest end.

We can play a part in God’s plan to help them and lessen the sting.

Your support for persecuted Christians is needed in ways we have never experienced before. Would you consider a monthly gift to get aid to persecuted Christians consistently through our shelters, schools, and networks?


God bless you – we are praying for you.

Wendy Wright



P.S. During this global crisis, we are getting food, cleansers, shelter to persecuted Christians – and praying for God to protect you and bring you through this crisis with a deeper faith.

If you are able, would you help ‘the least of these’ our brethren?

* Name changed

“We Christian asylum seekers express our sincere gratitude that you did not forget us. So our children can survive through these scary times.” – Pakistani refugee