Worldwide: 2025 Global List of Persecution
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All over the world, millions of Christians face persecution every day, ranging from harassment and property destruction to death and imprisonment. Open Doors, a Christian organization, released its annual World Watch List detailing the worst persecution that Christians face and the countries that are the most violent and dangerous.
Open Doors found that more than 380 million Christians suffer high levels of persecution and discrimination for their faith.
In the top 50 countries alone, 310 million Christians “face very high or extreme levels” of persecution. Over 4,400 Christians were killed because of their faith.
However, even amid rampant persecution, the Lord continues to work through the Church and through Christian ministries such as Christian Freedom International, which aids persecuted Christians in dangerous countries.
North Korea is the top country for extreme persecution. Christianity is prohibited by the government and Christians, or even people associated with Christians, are punished as political traitors, sent to labor camps, and face torture and execution. They cannot publicly acknowledge their faith and are forbidden to leave the country.
To learn more, read CFI’s Fact Sheet on Christians in North Korea .
Learn about CFI’s work with North Koreans:
Notes from the Underground Railroad
Getting God’s Word to North Koreans
Nigeria ranks 7th on the World Watch List but first in the number of Christians killed. Christians are attacked in shockingly brutal ways by Islamic militant groups who kill, particularly men, and kidnap and sexually abuse women. Islamists destroy their homes, churches, and livelihoods. Christians in the northern states under Sharia law also face severe discrimination and converts from Islam are rejected and threatened by their own families. Millions of Nigerian Christians have had to flee to displacement camps.
Learn about CFI’s work in Nigeria in Aid for Survivors of Christmas Massacre
Myanmar ranks 13th on the list, where Christians face violent persecution from their militant government. Converts to Christ face discrimination from their Buddhist, Muslim, or tribal communities. In 2024, the government announced it would force men and women to fight in its military, even against their own communities. This caused many Christians to flee the country and seek refuge in Thailand.
Learn more about CFI’s work to rescue and empower Christians from Burma in Breaking Chains.
Pakistan ranks 8th for persecution. Pakistani Christians face violent mob attacks, systemic discrimination, and targeted government persecution. Muslim extremists, aided by government authorities, use blasphemy laws to abuse Christians. Authorities reserve “occupations that are deemed…degrading—such as cleaning sewers or working in brick kilns” for Christians. A growing number of Christian girls are abducted, forcibly converted and forcibly ‘married’ to older Muslim men.
Learn about one of CFI’s ministries in Pakistan in Hope for Pakistani Girls
Christian converts in Bangladesh, 24th on the list, face severe discrimination and significant pressure from their communities to turn away from Christ. Churches, converts, and believers who evangelize often face threats and persecution. A violent uprising overturned the government in 2024 and led to extremist attacks on churches and threats to Christians.
Learn about CFI’s protection of a threatened pastor in Bangladesh in Pastor Attacked and Church Members Threatened
Egypt is number 40 on the World Watch List, but Egyptian Christians still face high levels of persecution from harassment, bullying, and violence. Some are even forced to leave their communities by radical Muslims. Much like in Bangladesh, Christian converts in Egypt are also put under extreme pressure from their families, communities, and even the government to turn away from the Christian faith.
Learn about CFI’s work in Egypt in Why Do These Children Have a Cross Tattoo?
While Christians in these countries face horrific persecution, through the Lord’s grace, they are persevering in spite of tribulations. Nigerian Rev. Andrew Okebe works with young men and women victims of persecution and helps to counsel them through their trauma. His first class of students graduated from the Treasure Center, a recovery center supported by CFI, in 2024.
He said, “We thank God for the many people that God has touched to send support. We will do much more as the Church supports this work. We just started. This is the first class to graduate by the grace of God. They are excited and we are rejoicing with what God is doing in their lives.”
Learn about the inspiring work of the Treasure Center.
Remember to pray for Christians who are being persecuted as well as the organizations that the Lord is using to help them.
- Pray that the Lord would strengthen and encourage Christians as they face persecution
- Pray that the Lord would provide resources for the churches and ministries aiding persecuted Christians
- Pray that persecuted Christians would be lights to their communities
Victoria Bonet is an intern with Christian Freedom International. She is currently an English major at North Greenville and has previously written for Lake Norman Citizen.