How Much Can a Bible Cost?

How much is a Bible worth?
For some Christians, especially North Koreans, it can cost their lives.

Girl listens to audio Bible from CFI
That is why we take seriously the danger of offering Bibles to Christians who are hiding in our shelters when they escape from North Korea. We know, and they know, the risk.
Escaping from North Korea to freedom requires a dangerous journey through several communist countries. Getting caught at any point can lead to being forced back to North Korea where horrific punishment awaits for simply fleeing the country.
They face even worse abuse if they are caught with a Bible.
A smuggler once told us, “If I get caught in North Korea, I will be sent to a labor camp. If I get caught with Bibles, I will be executed.”
And yet, many escapees not only listen to audio Bibles while in our shelters. They take our gift of Bibles with them when they run to their next location – where they are most vulnerable to getting caught. They find immeasurable hope and life in God’s word.
Our shelters save lives. Giving God’s word saves lives for eternity.
In September 2024, a group of 13 North Koreans were caught crossing the border from one communist country into another. Three of the people, including a 9-year-old girl, had stayed in one of our shelters.
They were arrested. When they were caught, the three who had stayed in CFI’s shelter had our audio Bibles with them.
They could have discarded the small Bibles before they were captured. But they took the risk and kept them.
Amazingly, through “behind the scenes” efforts, they were released. Astonishingly, the three escapees with Bibles said they were not fearful during the arrest.
“If they didn’t have faith, they wouldn’t have taken the Bibles with them and would have thrown them away when arrested,’ said CFI’s partner who runs the shelter where they stayed.
Our partner, who defected from North Korea years ago, said,
“I would like to express my gratitude to CFI for your help. At first, some of the North Korean defectors didn’t believe that a U.S. organization was helping them.” (North Koreans are indoctrinated to believe that Americans despise and want to destroy them.)
“They kept telling me that I was lying. And even if it was true, many thought CFI would stop helping after a while,” he said.
“But it’s been going on for many years. By the grace of God, CFI is doing what others do not do. CFI has helped us in our time of greatest hardship. I’m very grateful. We now go beyond delivering North Koreans from oppression. We do everything to bring North Korean defectors to Jesus Christ.”
All of CFI’s work – our shelters, school, sponsorships, and aid – not only provide for the physical needs of Christians in crisis.
More importantly, we give God’s Word so their faith is strengthened and their hope is brought alive.
Your prayers and support are critical for this to happen!
Will you pray that God will supply their needs so they find strength to follow Him despite the risks?
Your prayers make miracles happen. And your gifts pave the way for God to act.
A gift of $30 will provide a solar-powered audio Bible. Shelters, a warm place to hide and rest with supplies of food and aid, are $425 a month.