Prayer Alerts

CFI gets food to Christians who scattered after church bombing.

Burma: Church Bombed, Christians Scatter, CFI Sends Aid

June 12, 2023

When the Burmese military dropped a 500-pound bomb directly on a church in Mae Ka Nae in Karen State, the church caught on fire and was completely destroyed. Soldiers then burned down 12 houses. The pastor of the church said his home is now in an active war zone and he cannot return. Burma’s military…

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Amazing: Mayflower Church Comes to America

March 30, 2023

Easter Update: The Mayflower Church will land in U.S. on Good Friday! “This is thrilling news! The Mayflower Church will celebrate Easter in freedom. One week ago, these Christian families were arrested and threatened with being forcibly returned to China. Their ‘crime’ was seeking freedom to follow Jesus. Thank God for this amazing victory, for…

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Nigeria: Pray for Elections’ Impact on Christians

February 21, 2023

Update: Christian leaders say problems with ballot counting, delays, and attacks on polling places are casting doubt on the election results. Former president Obasanjo said some election officials have been compromised and called for new elections. He warned, “We don’t need to set the country on fire. Please exercise patience until the wrong is righted.” …

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