Pray for Christians in Prison, or worse, in China

The pastor of the Early Rain Covenant Church in Chengdu, China Wang Yi, his wife Jiang Rong, and more than 100 church members were arrested in December 2018. Sixty more were arrested later.
They are still imprisoned, charged with “inciting subversion”, a crime that carries a penalty of up to 15 years in prison.
Other members have been exiled from the city, or are under surveillance. Some are in hiding.
Under President of China, Xi Jinping, the suppression of Christian churches and other Christian organizations has dramatically increased, and is expected to worsen.
In an almost inconceivable example of an attempt for control over religion is the news that the communist government of China will be releasing a “new translation” of the Bible. This re-writing of Scripture is declared by the government to be necessary to establish a correct understanding of God’s Holy Word.
Current estimates put the number of Christians in China at approximately 97 million.
Please, pray for Christians in China.