Pakistan Sentences Two Christian Brothers to Death

Two Christian brothers, accused of blasphemy after a mistaken identity, were sentenced to death last week by a Pakistan court.
World Watch Monitor reports that Qaisar and Amoon Ayub were arrested for allegedly posting “disrespectful material” on their website. Qaisar said he closed the account in 2009 but a Muslim acquaintance brought it back online while keeping it in Qaisar’s name.
In 2011, two friends quarreled in Qaisar’s office and one commented on the other’s sister. Qaisar was blamed and soon he received death threats. He and Amoon fled the country but had to return after several years. They were arrested in 2014.
The brothers were kept in jail for the sentencing for security reasons. Radicals in Pakistan recently shut-down major parts of the country after the Christian woman Asia Bibi was acquitted of false blasphemy charges.
Please pray for:
Safety for Qaisar and Amoon, their families and communities.
Qaisar’s 14-year old son, who has suffered mentally because of his father’s imprisonment.
Justice and God’s peace for falsely accused Christians in Pakistan.