“Let the little children come to Me”

Children attend Sunday Schools

In their village school, Lessa and Daniel stood out.

Lessa won the highest debate contest for her age. Her brother Daniel earned nearly the best grades in his class.

But instead of being rewarded, they were mistreated.

The principal of their school, a Buddhist monk, would beat Daniel. Lessa’s teacher gave another student the top spot in class, an honor that opens doors to colleges.

When their father met with school officials, Pastor Diyon’s concerns were dismissed as “a small matter.”

Pastor Diyon is known in their town in Sri Lanka. He moved his family there to be a light for Jesus. People quietly visit him at night to ask for prayer. They are afraid that Buddhist monks may find out they are turning to Jesus.

As prayers are answered, more people openly come to church. Children flock to Sunday School classes that Daniel and Lessa help to teach.

But others get angry. They lash out at believers. In this country, churches have been bombed, pastors beaten and stabbed, and vehicles at church gatherings smashed.

Yet churches are growing at a startling rate. And just like Jesus, these believers love children.

Pastor Diyon and other pastors saw that many Christian children were missing out on school because their families are desperately poor and cannot pay for school supplies. These children already face being ostracized and mistreated for being Christian. Without any education, their future would be bleak.

So, partnering with pastors in the area, we provided school supplies to hundreds of these brave children – and added a Bible to each pack. Now each child has their own Bible to gain true wisdom.

Your generous gifts made this possible. Thank you! Our newsletter (below) highlights three ways among many that we reach persecuted Christian children with practical help:

  • Provided school supplies – and Bibles – to 591 Christian children last year.
  • Sponsors Sunday School teachers who teach children each week in high-risk areas to learn the Bible. (Would you like to sponsor a teacher, child, or pastor? Click here for information.)
  • Equips teams in countries where Christians are persecuted to train vulnerable children and their friends how to resist trafficking, abuse, and drugs – and to call on Jesus when they are in danger.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them!”

Daniel and Lessa did not give up or get bitter when their principal and teacher mistreated them. They count it all joy when they face trials! (James 1:2)

Will you pray for courage for children in countries of persecution to follow Jesus? Would you pray for Christians to be equipped to reach, teach, and protect children?

Your support equips persecuted Christians to fearlessly reach, teach, and protect children. Thank you for helping Christians to overcome opposition and follow Christ!

Sunday School

Children attend Sunday school.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to Me and do not hinder them.”

Yet Christian children face abuse and hardships in countries where there is persecution. Christian Freedom International is equipping local Christians to reach, teach, and protect children to bravely stand for Christ.

Sunday Schools on Friday

Sunday School classes for children in Muslim countries are held on Fridays when their neighbors attend mosque. Teachers, who are sponsored by CFI, hold classes in small rooms, courtyards, and fields. By learning the Bible, children grow spiritually, and their reading, comprehension, and critical thinking skills are reinforced.

Children learn to protect themselves from abuse.

Child Protection Training

Children in countries of extreme persecution are vulnerable to trafficking, abuse, and drugs.

CFI partners with teams that go into hard-to-reach areas in high-risk countries to hold child-friendly trainings on how to resist trafficking, drugs, and abuse. Christian children invite their neighbors to the Bible-based outreaches in churches. They use games, contests, skits, and videos to teach children how to protect themselves and Who they can call on for help – Jesus.

School supplies and Bibles

Bibles and School Supplies

Christian families who suffer persecution are often extremely poor. Some cannot afford school supplies to get a basic education that can lift them out of poverty.

CFI worked with churches that are persecuted to get school supplies and Bibles for 591 Christian children last year.

Patrick Kie, Camilo Medina, and Liam Koch

Teens Choose Persecuted Children for Community Service

Students at Randolph-Macon Academy in Virginia were challenged to find a service project to develop their leadership skills. Three teens turned to their faith to decide who to help, then they reached out to Christian Freedom International.

“We want to help you and would like to know what you currently need that we can provide. We hope that you accept our request to help, because this is a great cause, and we feel the need to help because we are also Christians. Have a lovely weekend and we look forward to your reply,” they wrote.

When they learned that CFI is able to deliver notes to children who suffer persecution, they enthusiastically launched their project.

Patrick Kie, Camilo Medina, and Liam Koch rallied their fellow students to write over 700 encouraging notes for persecuted Christian children.

They felt Christian Freedom International was important because they are Christian and “people are being persecuted for their religion,” said Camilo.

“Since CFI is international, we can help more kids than in Front Royal. We can get a bunch of letters all around the world, more than we could in our town,” Patrick said.

Their handwritten letters were hand-delivered to children in CFI projects.

Patrick, Camilo, and Liam’s hard work won the attention of Lead4Change, a national student leadership program. They placed among the top entries in 2022 and won a grant for applying leadership skills, identifying a problem, finding a solution, and reflecting on their growth in the process.

Thank you, Patrick, Camilo, and Liam, for loving God, loving others, and rallying your fellow students to encourage persecuted Christian children.

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