Christmas Gifts in Bangladesh

Dear Friend of the Persecuted Church,
Merry Christmas!
Tucked in a small Bangladesh village, the Center for the Blind and Disabled is a safe place for people with sight impairments to craft items that they can sell on the street.
This Christmas, they will be thanking God for a gift they received.
This year, Christian Freedom International equipped the Center with new sewing machines and candle-making tools.
It took extra work to prepare the Center, a barren concrete dwelling, for the equipment. The candle-making tools merely needed a cookstove to heat the wax before pouring into the molds. But the sewing machines needed electricity.
We take electricity for granted. Not so for the poor and disabled in Bangladesh.
Pastor Nikhil runs the Center. Affectionately called the Blind Pastor, he and CFI’s co-worker found a teacher to train in sewing and retro-fitted the one room building to bring in electricity for the sewing machines. It now serves triple-duty: a training and craft center; a home for Pastor Nikhil’s family; and a house church.
In the future, we hope to re-locate the Center to a central location — easier for disabled people to get to — and a more appropriate building.
Just as important, there’s a desperate need for a “safe house” for new converts – people who believe in Jesus and turn away from Islam or Hinduism. Their lives are threatened by hard-core radicals and their own family.
(We’ll tell you more about this in the future.)
Thank you for praying and caring for persecuted Christians.
May this Christmas be a joyous season for you and your family to draw closer to Jesus.
For Christ and His kingdom,
Wendy Wright