
Asia Bibi Released – But Not Yet Free

November 8, 2018

Asia’s long-awaited exoneration and release came as churches prepared for the International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted. Asia Bibi has finally been released from jail a week after being acquitted by Pakistan’s Supreme Court of blasphemy charges. After eight years in jail, she and her family are now in hiding. Asia left the jail…

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Asia Bibi Acquitted. Court Rebukes “Lies” and Blasphemy Against Asia’s Religion

November 1, 2018

“It appears that after an altercation taking place in the field of Falsa a feast of falsehood had followed . . .” Pakistan’s Supreme Court issued a stinging rebuke to the false witnesses and illegitimate prosecution of Asia Bibi, a Christian woman accused of blasphemy and sentenced to death. While the court upheld Pakistan’s blasphemy…

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Breaking News: Asia Bibi Acquitted by Supreme Court

October 31, 2018

Pakistan’s Supreme Court acquitted Asia Bibi of blasphemy charges. The Christian woman has spent 10 years in jail and faced the death penalty. Christians worldwide have been praying for this innocent Christian — and will now need to pray for God’s protection against a backlash by radical Islamists against Christians in Pakistan.

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