
We Cannot Say Where…

February 5, 2021

February 2021 Dear Friend of the Persecuted Church, You will understand this because you care about persecuted Christians: At times, we cannot publicly disclose the locations where Christian Freedom International is involved. In these cases, our partners caution, “For security purposes, please do not share the specific details.” While we cannot say where, we can…

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Video: Inside Burma After New Attacks

January 29, 2021

After tentative hope for a peace process, Burma’s military has renewed its attacks on Karen villages. In one area, over 200 people fled the shelling and are hiding in the jungle. Burma “has not specifically said it is because the Karen in the area are Christian, but have somehow made deals with any Buddhist villages,”…

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Christmas Celebrations for Persecuted Christians

December 31, 2020

This year Christians have suffered horribly at the hands of extremists, even at Christmas. Yet they persevere and thank God for His greatest Gift. On Christmas Eve, Islamic militants in Nigeria killed nine Christians, destroyed a church, looted food and burned homes. Yet one Christian survivor said, despite the jihadists’ attacks, “We shall still celebrate…

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