Your New Catalogue!

Dear Friend of the Persecuted,
Here it is – Christian Freedom International’s newest catalogue!
Browse to see our newest – and top-selling – Bible-inspired designs for t-shirts. We also have boutique items like traditional handbags, tunics, and scarves – handwoven by Karen Christian students at our school for refugees.
Take a look – and share CFI’s catalogue with your family and friends.
We are pleased to give it to you. Frankly, at this time last year we did not know if our micro-enterprise ministries could continue.
You know how Covid shut-downs have impacted small businesses? And how even large companies have been hamstrung by supply-chain problems?
Our micro-enterprise ministry of equipping Christian refugees to craft and sell t-shirts, tapestries, and other items, could have been crippled when refugees were in lock-down – and Thailand froze shipments to the U.S.
But you helped us get through it! Your support kept CFI’s sewing center running, and our school open for Christian refugees to learn Bible and life-skills – and to keep making items even when they could not be shipped.
And your support accomplished even more – it kept critical aid flowing every month to suffering Christians during Covid shut-downs in Burma, Egypt, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, and other areas where Christians are persecuted!
Thank you! And a big “thank you” to our Freedom Fighter Team! When Freedom Fighters signed up for our t-shirt-of-the-month club, no one suspected that Thailand would suddenly halt all shipping out of the country.
But Thailand did just that due to Covid. Packages of t-shirts piled up at our school ready to ship . . . month after month . . . until Thailand allowed shipping again.
Yet Freedom Fighters continued their support each month! Their patience paid off . . . and all of their orders were shipped in time for Christmas.
When you order items from Christian Freedom International you get handcrafted products with a greater purpose – you are providing work and an income for Christian refugees.
And your donations provide training, aid, shelters, and much more for persecuted Christians. (That student who will make your t-shirt or tapestry . . . one month of his or her classes, food, housing, and more at our school only costs about $219!)
Learn more about Karen Christian refugee students who make our handcrafted items – and their real-world training to be self-supporting Christian leaders that your donations help to provide – in our June 2021 newsletter.
For His kingdom,
Wendy Wright
P.S. Go to our webstore to see a full selection of designs and products. And come back often. A new t-shirt design is added each month.
All our designs can be printed on canvas tapestries.