
House Church Prayer

I trudged up a steep, muddy trail in the dark to a small house church and marveled at the faith of the people who attended it.

Their church was one room with bed sheets for walls and roof. Their guitar was missing strings. The room was infested with mosquitos.

These new believers had been attacked by mobs led by Buddhist monks. Their neighbors threw rocks at the church. They were ostracized by their families and community for becoming Christians.

But their joy in knowing Jesus overwhelmed each trial they faced.

The pastor pointed out the security cameras that Christian Freedom International had provided them. From the moment that the cameras were installed, the attacks stopped.

The neighbors still harass them, but the believers are no longer pelted with rocks or threatened by mobs. And the little church has grown as the villagers see God caring for His people.

This pastor and his young family moved to this hostile area to reach unbelievers. They built the one room church with their own money. Their church members encourage them, but they are just as poor as this couple.

The security cameras – supplied by your support to Christian Freedom International – are protecting the most valuable items in the house: God’s people.

This extraordinary little church shows the power of remaining steadfast under trial. Jesus warned – and promised – His disciples:

“You will be hated by everyone because of My name, but the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.” Matthew 10:22

Your prayers and support for persecuted Christians sends a powerful message that however much the world hates Christians, we stand with God’s people.

And we will continue to help them as they persevere in the fire and trials of persecution.

Below is a short guide on the persecuted Christians that CFI is reaching. It is not comprehensive but gives the top people groups and ways we help.

Will you:

  • Pray for the Christians that especially grab your attention.
  • Be earnest and creative in your prayers. Ask the Holy Spirit for insight.
  • Tell others about Christians who are persevering while suffering for their faith and pass this along to your family, friends, and church.

Thank you for your vital role in helping persecuted Christians. Your prayers and support are proof of God’s goodness for His persecuted church.


Jesus warned that His followers would be persecuted. He also promised that “the one who perseveres to the end will be saved.”

Which Christians are at greatest risk of persecution? Here are examples – and critical ways we help as they persevere:

Extremely Dangerous Countries 


Christian converts in Afghanistan went from hiding their faith to being hunted. Even those who leave the country are at risk from other Afghan refugees.

Through secure networks, CFI is assisting Christians in and outside of Afghanistan.

North Korea

North Koreans suffer unspeakable persecution under a cruel regime where the Bible is banned, and Christianity is illegal. Some dare to escape through China. If they are found, China forcibly returns them. If they are Christian, they face harsher punishments. North Koreans take great risks and endure horrific torment to know Christ.

CFI provides shelters and Bibles for escapees, and supports Gospel radio broadcasts into North Korea.


More Christians are brutally killed in Nigeria than all other countries combined. Islamists viciously attack Christian villages, massacring people and destroying property.

CFI provides survivors with emergency aid, child sponsorships for education, recovery and skill training for young adults and widows to build a future.

The Cost for Those Who Believe

Christian Converts

When Christians are a minority in militant Muslim, Buddhist and Hindu countries, converts to Christ face extreme pressure to deny Christ. They are harassed, beaten, threatened with death, and their land and property stolen.

Yet many not only persevere, they also courageously tell others about Jesus.

Christians in Hostile Societies

Christians in societies that are hostile to Christianity face harsh discrimination and are treated as second-class. Overtly or subtly, they are denied jobs, education, and aid during crises. They are falsely accused of crimes out of hatred or vengeance. Officials abuse their authority to allow, or perpetrate, discrimination.

Widows and Orphans

Christian widows and orphans who already face persecution are extremely vulnerable and ill-equipped to provide for themselves when they lose the breadwinner of their family

Ways that CFI Helps Persecuted Christians

Urgent Aid in Crises:

  • Food and Bibles
  • Shelters
  • Medical Aid for injuries
  • Legal Aid
  • Security cameras

Equip for their Future:

  • Sponsorships to directly connect with a persecuted Christian.
  • Livelihood training
  • Schooling and supplies
  • Bible training and discipleship

Victory Bible Academy

CFI’s school for persecuted Christians from Burma (aka Myanmar) trains students how to live for Christ and serve others.

Students put into practice their Bible training and survival skills on outreaches to jungle villages, widows and orphans, and refugees who fled from the war in Burma.

Child Protection

As a persecuted minority, Christian children are especially vulnerable. They are at great risk – with little or no protection from society or officials – of being trafficked, sexually abused, and falling into drugs from despair.

CFI partners with local teams to train children to resist trafficking, abuse, and drugs with techniques based on stories and principles from the Bible.


“I stand before God and ask him to shower his mercy on you, your family and other people who have played a role in supporting us and all the believers.” – Afghan believer

“Blessed is the man who remains steadfast under trial, for when he has stood the test he will receive the crown of life, which God has promised to those who love Him.” James 1:2