Persecuted Christians Loving Others

“Go out quickly … and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame … so that my house will be full.” Luke 14:21, 23
The parties take weeks to prepare.
In one village, a big colorful tent is assembled in a field. In other rural areas, one-room churches are decorated. Sturdy bags stuffed with food are piled high.
Every guest is handpicked. A special gift for each one is ordered ahead of time.
What makes our guests so special?
These are the people that Jesus singled out to invite to banquets.
“People with disabilities are untouched and seldom spoken to,” reports a Christian ministry for the disabled. “They are invisible, neglected, and discarded.”
They are “called bad names by their families and neighbors,” said Christian Freedom International’s leader in Bangladesh. “They have scarcity of food, clothes, shelter, and medicines.” They are physically and mentally abused, in many cases by their relatives. Sometimes they are denied inheritance and marital rights by their family and society.
Disabilities are often seen as a curse that was caused by their or their parents’ sin – just like in Jesus’ day. When the disciples asked, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?” Jesus replied, “this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.”
Christian Freedom International’s leader in Bangladesh seeks out people who are disabled and provides clothes, shelter, medicines, and legal aid. Each year we throw parties on “White Cane Day” to honor people who happen to be blind. They receive bags lovingly filled with food by our pastors and a special gift of a white cane – a tool that is crucial for their mobility and safety – and hear the good news of Jesus.
Please pray for our special guests to experience God’s love through our actions! Snigdha, a twenty-six-year-old mother, said,
“At first, I thank my God. We are very glad the ‘White Cane Safety Day’ is organized every year. I thank them who organize this event. The gift packet that is given to us is important, especially the White Cane.”
“The White Cane is our helper to move in the streets. It helps us to identify if there are any ups and downs, holes, or obstacles while we walk. It works as our guardian like a parent helps his/her child to walk in the streets.”
“If noble persons organize this event and provide us this white cane along with our essential daily foods like rice, dal (lentil), oil, salt that helps our family a lot. These gifts help us to survive or ease our survival. We can live on these gifts. We request people to continue this event.”
570 blind people received food to feed their families, along with White Canes, audio Bibles, and mosquito nets – benefitting more than 2,000 people!
Our pastors know what it is like to be mistreated. They left their family’s religion to follow Christ and join the ranks of the persecuted church. They are outcast, beaten, and unable to find work. Their greatest suffering is being rejected by their families.
Yet Jesus trades shame for dignity. Now, these converts to Christ look for others to treat with honor . . . and welcome to the kingdom of God.
Will you join us to equip persecuted Christians to serve others and “fill His house”?
We enclosed photos of the parties. Share the pictures and tell others how persecuted Christians are helping people!
Your prayers and support fuels this outpouring of compassion. Thank you! God bless you for sharing Christ’s love with – and through – persecuted Christians.
In Him
Wendy Wright
P.S. Your support provides dignity and practical care for persecuted Christians –and equips them to invite the persecuted, poor, blind, and disabled to fill His house.
Please pray for our guests and for our persecuted pastors who are reaching them.
“When you give a dinner or a banquet, do not invite your friends or your brothers or your relatives or rich neighbors, lest they also invite you in return and you be repaid.
But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just.” Luke 14:12 – 14

Preparing a big tent for a colorful White Cane Day celebration.
Why are persecuted Christians throwing a party for disabled people?
In Bangladesh, Christian Freedom International’s network of persecuted Christians is eager to show God’s love to others in need.
Christian Freedom International’s leader explains:
“As believers, we know that in God’s eyes, all are equal and need to be saved through Jesus Christ for the glory of almighty God. People with disabilities are part of fallen humanity, so it is our responsibility to work for them.
“People are not aware of issues relating to disability. Persons with disabilities live with deprivation, neglect, discrimination, which results in isolation and exclusion from mainstream society.”

Persecuted Christians
fill bags of food for special guests.
“We give shelter, food, clothes, medicines, legal aid, and educational assistance with a Biblical approach for disabled people and sometimes it is extended up to their families.

Blind persons follow one another to a White Cane Day party.
Through these activities we increase relationships with them and try to understand their actual need and how can we deliver the messages of Jesus Christ.
We have seen that when disabled people receive any form of support by us, it makes them very happy and grateful to God.”
But when you give a feast, invite the poor, the crippled, the lame, the blind, and you will be blessed, because they cannot repay you. For you will be repaid at the resurrection of the just. Luke 14:12-14
One lady said, “Thank you, Baba (Father). I am having blindness from my childhood. How can I earn my livelihood? I have come from a very long distance. I am struggling hard. I have no works. I have no relatives.
That’s why I have come to you, please help me. I have been struggling very hard from my childhood. My sorrows have no bounds. What should I tell you? My sorrows can be described in words: Crying….”
A Christian attorney said,
“I am a law practitioner and visually disabled. The disabled communities struggle every day for life and livelihood in this developing country of the third world.
In general, it is said that a disability is the curse of his own sin or his parent’s sin. Although this is changing, the majority believes like this.”

Each person receives food, glasses, a cane, an audio bible, and learns about God who sees and cares for them.
“Although an able person shows interest to make friendship with a disabled person, it has never been seen that able persons make sure disabled persons participate in social activities.”

Getting fitted with black glasses.
“The family as well as society discourages relationships between able persons and disabled persons. The relationships like marriage between an able person and disabled person is absurd in this society.”
If they were treated equally, “they wouldn’t be a burden or liability on the society. Rather, they would be transformed into wealth.”

Neighborhood children peek in to watch and learn.
A pastor said, “We want them to know the Savior Lord, to realize that they have a special day, and the Lord also responds to the calling of those who are blind.”
“The blinds desperately need help because no one is there to stand on their side. They are neglected persons in the society.
They are very positive and happy for the gift packets. Some of them are very interested to learn about the Lord more and some are accepting the Lord.”

Rides for our guests