Life at a bible school for refugees along the Burma-Thai border

What does day-to-day work at a mission Bible school look like? Joe and Marnie Scott know. They direct, with help from their daughters Kiera and Maija, the Huai Kalok Bible Institute (HBI).
Located in a small village near the Burma/Thai border, HBI trains persecuted Christian young adults to serve as pastors, teachers, worship leaders, and missionaries on the front lines of the Persecuted Church in Burma and isolated regions of Southeast Asia.
Here is part of the Scotts’ recent report:
Around the Building
Plumbing! It seems that is the focus of building maintenance this month. Kitchen sinks, toilets, showers… pretty much anything that moves water needed repair. In light of the negative, we received an incredible gift from a donor in the States – new mattresses for the students’ beds! With dengue fever and H1N1 virus ripping through the school, we were able to replenish medical supplies, visit the clinic and also purchase mosquito nets and repellent for the dorms. Praise God for these answered prayers. Thank you to faithful givers!
In the Classroom
The first round of monthly testing is complete and we have been able to evaluate tutoring needs and giftings. English class now has a senior student volunteering as a tutor for those students who need a little extra help. Bible classes have expanded into evening discipleship time where new believers and seekers are able to ask questions in a more relaxed setting.
Gardening/cooking classes have grown, with added health and safe food handling classes and a related Bible study. Teachers are honing their new-found teaching skills from their teacher training course in March – making classes interactive and fun.
Internship, a new class, has been buzzing with excitement. It is incredible to see students practicing the skills that they will use to build “tentmaking” businesses upon graduation (journalist, baker, musician, pastor, teacher, graphic artist). Thank you Lord, one of our students has already been offered a position at a local church in March.
In the Village
We have pressed our prayers and presence into the village this year and as a result we are seeing positive relationships coming from all our hard work. We have been invited to teach English (and a little Jesus too) on a daily basis, at the local migrant school. Our staff and one of our senior students who is training to become a translator have offered to teach free lessons in the evenings, three times per week. Word got out; they now teach five village children. The musicians in our midst used their God-given gifts to minister to the village this month. After weeks of practice, HBI hosted a Worship Night designed by the students – there were more than 10 musicians, promotion, audio and video, food market and many children who danced. The front yard was filled with a captive audience! We are praying and trusting that all of these opportunities will soften hearts to accept Christ.”
Please, pray for our staff, students, volunteers, and all the Christians who are served by this crucial program. Imagine the long-term rewards that come from the investment of training eager young Christians who fled persecution in Burma – and want to give back to help other persecuted Christians.