Graduating in Victory


Dear Friend of the Persecuted Church,

We are proud to announce Victory Bible Academy’s Graduating Class of 2022!

Christian Freedom International’s school for persecuted Christians is on the frontlines of the border of Burma – an ideal location to train persecuted Christians to reach the persecuted. 

Our students accomplished an amazing feat. Victory’s two-year intensive training is demanding. Plus, the Class of 2022 faced epic challenges and dangers.

Your prayers and support got them through!

These Christian young men and women came from jungles and refugee camps. They are survivors of Burma’s militant-Buddhists’ war on ethnic minorities.

They entered Victory at a momentous time in history: the beginning of the Covid pandemic. When many schools closed, Victory stayed opened.

Classes adapted. New subjects were added.

At the end of their first year, a violent coup broke out in Burma. Victory’s students quickly organized a 24-hour online prayer vigil. Christians worldwide participated.

In their second year, Victory focused on getting students into the field . . . as much as possible during a pandemic and active shooting.

Victory’s usual mission trips into Burma – their version of a “final exam” – had to adjust as Burma’s military beat, tortured, and jailed civilians. Unable to cross the border, students focused on pastoral visits to homes in Thailand. 

Then Burma committed the unthinkable: barbaric attacks and a massacre on Christmas Eve. A flood of refugees landed near Victory. (Read “Equipping Persecuted Christians” in our February newsletter online or call us for a copy.) 

Victory’s students prepared hot meals over campfires, transported truckloads of supplies, and delivered clothes. Students discovered their language classes paid off. They needed to speak Thai to border guards, Karen to refugees, Burmese to local workers, and English as a common language.

We hope you enjoy the pictures and Graduation Card below. They help to tell the stories of Victory’s graduates who are rising above overwhelming challenges.

One graduate is entering a nursing program. Another is pursuing medical training. Others will teach children and serve in homes for foster children. Two will pursue advanced training. One is starting a small business. One student runs a successful YouTube channel. His media-savvy is reaching his generation.

One graduate wrote to you and Christian Freedom International’s supporters: 

“I would like to thank God for everything and the opportunity to write a letter to beautiful brothers and sisters. By the grace of God, I graduated from this school and now I will study [to be ordained]. I like everything in this school but the most I like is learning the words of God because I know the truth and the truth will set me free.”

“I thank God and the people who support us. Because of your love and help we are here and learning, eating, and we have everything we need. I appreciate all of your love and I have nothing to give you back but I will pray and wish you all the best. Whatever you do and where ever you go, God will fulfill anything you need in your life. May God bless you all. Amen.”

Your support gives these persecuted Christian youth a promising future.

Thank you! 

Wendy Wright


P.S. New students will enter Victory Bible Academy in July. Many will come from villages being actively attacked by Burma’s military. Please pray for their safe arrival, for perseverence and quick learning, and for their future ministry.

Ladies pray during Victory’s online prayer rally for the war in Burma.

Christian Freedom International’s school trains persecuted Christians to be Christian leaders with the heart and skills to serve others. Victory Bible Academy’s Class of 2022 conquered the two-year intensive program during the Covid pandemic and war in Burma.

Sukkot celebrates God’s miraculous provision during Israel’s wilderness wanderings. Students designed foliage-covered huts for the Feast of Booths.

Bible class on “Be strong in the Lord and the power of His might.” Eph. 6:10

Students venture into homes to minister. They bring food and blankets, learn about people’s needs, and pray.

Cooking for refugees who fled Burma’s military attacks.

Business class final exam: Students create a product, design a market stand, figure out a budget, and sell to customers.

Testing new recipes with vegetables grown in Victory’s garden. Students learn to work hard and give to others.

“In all things I have shown you that by working hard in this way we must help the weak and remember the words of the Lord Jesus, how he himself said, ‘It is more blessed to give than to receive.’” Acts 20:35