
Urgent: Bangladesh pastor’s wife and newborn at risk

September 30, 2017

“I am earnestly requesting you all to pray with us for Trupi, his wife and newborn child.” Trupi is a pastor and a Muslim convert. His wife and newborn baby are in the hospital and need help. CFI’s rep e-mailed this early one morning: Will you pray, and help this Christian family? “What can I…

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Help Iraqi Christian victims of genocide

September 22, 2017

The UN Security Council finally voted this week – unanimously – to help Iraq investigate and prosecute ISIS for its crimes against Christians and other religious minorities. “It may have taken a long time to get here,” said US Ambassador Nikki Haley, “but today’s resolution is a landmark. It is a major first step towards addressing the death, suffering, and…

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Christians in Bangladesh need your prayers!

August 24, 2017

Approximately 1/3 of Bangladesh, a low-lying delta country, is under water due to seasonal flooding. Millions of homes have been destroyed, people displaced, and services disrupted. Even once the flood recedes, diseases in the aftermath will be deadly and wide-spread. Christian Freedom International received this report from our co-worker in Dhaka: “A disastrous flood is…

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