Prayer Alerts

A Persecuted Pastor’s Plea

October 30, 2018

“Please advocate for us,” the pastor said. He lives in an especially oppressive region. The government’s harsh treatment of Christians is notorious. It is even worse toward Christian ethnic minorities. Their every word and action is monitored. The pastor heard that Christian Freedom International provides aid and advocacy for persecuted Christians. “How can we advocate…

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Please Pray for Christians in North Korea

October 26, 2018

North Korea is a country controlled by one man, the dictator Kim, Jong-un. Under the rule of Kim Jong-un, his father and his grandfather before that, millions of North Korean men, women, and children have perished through starvation, execution, during imprisonment, and in forced-labor camps. Human rights in North Korea are virtually non-existent. The government…

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Please Pray for Christians and all villagers, endangered by military action in Karen State Burma

October 26, 2018

According to information from local sources, as of October 11, 2018 over 100 Burma army troops, and 11 military trucks, recently entered the remote village area of Ler Mu Plaw, in Karen State. The convoy was troop reinforcement, according to the sources. Almost all the villagers in the area have gone into the jungle to…

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