

August 8, 2024

I trudged up a steep, muddy trail in the dark to a small house church and marveled at the faith of the people who attended it. Their church was one room with bed sheets for walls and roof. Their guitar was missing strings. The room was infested with mosquitos. These new believers had been attacked…

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“Let the little children come to Me”

July 8, 2024

In their village school, Lessa and Daniel stood out. Lessa won the highest debate contest for her age. Her brother Daniel earned nearly the best grades in his class. But instead of being rewarded, they were mistreated. The principal of their school, a Buddhist monk, would beat Daniel. Lessa’s teacher gave another student the top…

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Victory student worship

Just In Time

June 6, 2024

Would you pray for our new students? They escaped from Burma just in time. They arrived early – weeks before classes begin at Victory Bible Academy, our school for persecuted Christians in Thailand. They joined our students who could not go back to Burma during the school break. For three years our new arrivals have…

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