Easter Massacre in Sri Lanka. How to Help:

Zion Church worshipping in 2015
On Easter Sunday – as Christians around the world celebrate Jesus conquering death — suicide bombers attacked churches and hotels in Sri Lanka, killing and injuring hundreds.
The multiple bombings is one of the worst terrorist atrocities since 9/11.
At one church – Zion Church in Batticaloa – 14 children under the age of 14 were killed.
Days later, Sri Lankan authorities warned that suspects are still on the loose – with explosives. The U.S. Embassy in Sri Lanka tweeted, “additional attacks may occur targeting places of worship.”
The Islamist terrorists were well-educated, middle and upper-middle class, and financially independent
Their Christian victims attending church were largely impoverished.
Pastor Roshan Mahesan of Zion Church released a video message saying he forgives the militants as Jesus forgave His persecutors. The attack on his church killed 28 people and left more than 70 seriously injured.
“We are hurt. We are angry also but still, as the senior pastor of Zion Church Batticaloa, the whole congregation and every family affected, we say to the suicide bomber and also to the group that sent the suicide bomber, that we love you and we forgive you.”
“No matter what you have done to us, we love you because we believe in the Lord Jesus Christ,” he said. “Jesus Christ on the cross, He said, ‘Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing.’ We also, who follow the footsteps of Jesus Christ, we say, to the Lord, ‘forgive these people.’”
How can we help? Pray for:
- Healing for the injured.
- Peace for survivors.
- Justice for the perpetrators.
- Renewed faith for Christians.
- Belief in the resurrected Jesus to spread.
- Jesus’ teachings to guide Christians’ response.
- Respect from government authorities and religious communities for Christians.
Christian Freedom International’s contacts in Sri Lanka report the:
Immediate needs include:
- Funeral expenses
- Medical expenses
- Funds for families who lost breadwinners
Long-term needs include:
- Medical aid for physical and mental trauma
- On-going support for families
- Security measures for churches
Please pray for our Christian brothers and sisters in Sri Lanka. For peace, healing, redemption, and justice.
If you would like to help Sri Lankan Christian survivors, you can donate to Christian Freedom International and designate “Sri Lanka”.
“And the King will answer them, ‘Truly, I say to you, as you did it to one of the least of these my brothers, you did it to me.’”
Matthew 25:40