A Treasure Center

Treasure Center

He lifted me up from the pit of despair, out of the miry clay;

He set my feet upon a rock, and made my footsteps firm.” Psalm 40:2

It began with a pastor’s vision to rescue young men and women who were left homeless, traumatized, and drug addicted after their families were violently attacked in Nigeria.

The vision and message were clear: God has not forgotten them.

In August, the first class graduated from the Treasure Center. In one year, the students – survivors of Islamist violence – helped to build the Center, received counseling for healing, trained in job skills, and were discipled to begin new lives.

They transformed run-down buildings into dorms, workshops, and classrooms, even as their lives were transformed into new creations in Christ.

It was just over a year ago that our partner in Nigeria told us about this dream for a rehabilitation Center. With your generosity, Christian Freedom International (CFI) helped to turn the dream into reality in this terror-stricken country.

The situation in Nigeria is grim. In the last four years, jihadists have killed nearly 17,000 Christians.

Rev. Andrew Okebe would take turns with other pastors keeping all-night vigils to raise alarms when Islamists would attack. Christians would flee into the bush at their warnings. Those who were unable to run – the elderly, invalids, toddlers – were massacred by machetes or guns. Homes, churches, and crops were destroyed.

Among the survivors are young adults. They experienced family members and loved ones being brutalized. They fled in terror. For many, trauma and hopelessness drove them to substance abuse.

So, God gave Rev. Andrew a passion to restore them. He calls them “our treasures”.

Rev. Andrew shared his vision and a businessman gave buildings rent-free. But the dilapidated property needed everything. Roof, doors, windows, gates, furniture.

At the right time and because of supporters like you, CFI was able to provide just what they needed. They immediately began work and the students joined in the labor, learning valuable building skills along the way.

Since June 2023, over 78 students – both survivors and Christian converts from Islam – have come to the Center. By August 2024, twenty-two had finished the full program and celebrated in a well-deserved graduation ceremony.

It is a blessing to be a part of their success! But this is not the end. We also funded apprenticeships for eight graduates to develop their skills.

Please pray that their faith will be stronger than any temptation or despair. Pray that their new skills will equip them to follow God and serve their communities. Pray for the continuing and new students who are on their journey of healing and redemption at the Center.

Thank you for praying and caring. Your gifts are helping these “Treasures” – and other persecuted Christians – to overcome evil and be equipped to live for Christ.

The first class has graduated the Treasure Center – and new students continue to arrive. Their broken lives are being made new in Christ.

Will you keep the vision alive of reclaiming and giving a new life for Christians who survive persecution?

Treasure Center graduation

Transforming Lives

The Treasure Center was born out of a pastor’s vision to restore traumatized Christians in Nigeria who were driven to drugs after attacks by Islamic militants.

Christian counselors guide them off drugs and through trauma healing, discipleship training and acquiring job skills.

Rev Andrew Okebe

In August they celebrated their first graduation. Rev. Andrew Okebe said:

The Lord laid a burden on our hearts for the destiny of the young people that the devil has hijacked. There is hope if we can bring them together and show them the love of Christ practically and teach them skills so when they go out of this place, they have something to do.

We obeyed the Lord and came to this place that is now the Treasure Center. At that time, it was abandoned, vandalized and desolate, full of bushes, which was used as a place for open defecation and a hiding place for rogues and drug addicts.

There was no single door or window and no floor. When we first moved in, we were living and sleeping on wet floors, amidst threats of attacks from criminals. But God, in a vision, assured us of His own protection over us.

As students began coming, we all slept together in one room. These included my family, the few staffers, and the laborers, because there wasn’t any other place ready yet.

[With CFI’s support] Stefanos Foundation stepped in and invested heavily in the reconstruction work, equipment, bedding, and feeding, and within six months, the place became transformed, symbolizing the transformation of lives that is happening here.

Over 78 individuals have passed through this ground. Some stay briefly, others much longer.

It was not easy for them. God has done the work of transformation. They organize themselves, they cook, they do devotions, they clean up. We taught them to garden so they can survive. They are eager to learn.

There are challenges. Some of them did not want to stay. They misbehave. But God in His infinite mercy helped us.

We kept being patient with them. We keep telling them the love of Christ. We thank God that a day has never come that we went to sleep hungry.

We thank God for the many people that God has touched to send support. We will do much more as the Church supports this work. We just started. This is the first class to graduate by the grace of God. They are excited and we are rejoicing with what God is doing in their lives.

“We want to show our profound appreciation. We pray that God Almighty will bless so that they will do unto others as they have done unto us. I pray that as we all go, we will be useful and use our skills.” Treasure Center graduate.

Treasure Center barbering

Honorable Matthew Kwarpo, member of the Plateau State House of Assembly, celebrated with the graduates because, “I identify with them. They come from villages that were attacked in my area.”

Mark Lipdo with Stefanos Foundation said:

Thanks to Rev. Andrew Okebe. It is his passion, his vision. He put his life into these young ones.

The buildings were freely leased to Stefanos Foundation and CFI provided the aid to restore and equip the facility for spiritual skills and entrepreneurship training.

This we do to reign back the intention of the enemy to terminate the Gospel and Christianity in this place. Christians continue to be a testimony in this situation. We are grateful to CFI who brought us to restore this facility and refit it for this training.

Today we are hoping that as they go out into the world they will sustain themselves and live a better life. Thanks to our partner Christian Freedom International for enabling this project to take off.

“I give thanks to God that I was brought here and for this moment that I am graduating. I was also baptized here. I am sincerely grateful.” Treasure Center Graduate

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