How we equip
The Bible is the best-selling book of all time. It's been translated into hundreds of languages.
Yet in oppressive countries the Bible may be banned or restricted, too expensive for impoverished believers, or inaccessible for illiterate or sight-impaired people.
CFI gives print Bibles and audio Bibles to encourage and spread the Word of God.
Audio Bibles translated in the local language come in small players that are less conspicuous. They are especially appreciated by people unable to read, are blind or lack education.

“Victory is overwhelmingly ours through Christ” (Romans 8:37) is the motto of CFI’s Victory Bible Academy.
Located on the Burma/Thai border, Victory Bible Academy is a school for persecuted Christians. Young adults are trained for service as pastors, teachers, and missionaries on the front lines of the persecuted Church in Burma/Myanmar. Victory Bible Academy students learn “tentmaker” vocations to provide for themselves and those they serve. The two-year program is designed to increase students’ knowledge of the Bible and develop skills to serve Christians who are persecuted for their faith.
Less than four percent of Burma’s population of 55 million people are Christian. Most are oppressed, ethnic minorities fighting for survival, like those in the Karen and Karenni tribes. Victory Bible Academy attracts both Christian refugees and Christians in Burma/Myanmar who travel across the border to be students.
We encourage you to pray for Victory Bible Academy – and to visit. Volunteers, short and long-term, are needed to share their faith, ministry, and vocational skills with the students.
A "hand up, not a hand out” brings self-sufficiency and permanent improvement to the lives of persecuted Christians.
Based on 2 Thessalonians 3:8-12, we believe in equipping people to provide for themselves, their families, their churches, and their communities.
CFI operates vocational projects at Victory Bible Academy and supports skills training for Christian women in Pakistan and other select countries.
CFI’s micro-enterprise program empowers Christians with the ability to earn an income.
CFI’s Freedom Fighter Club offers individually made t-shirts, traditionally woven scarves and tunics, and other items that are hand-made and shipped to you by Karen Christians at Victory Bible Academy.
Shop our online Store for items.